Thursday, January 27, 2011

Forgotten Generation

Some interesting new research from the National Youth Council of Ireland has examined the current difficulties faced by young unemployed people in Ireland. Key findings include:

- 70% agreed that is likely they will emigrate in the next 12 months.

- 90% agreed that being unemployed has a negative effect on my sense of wellbeing.

- Only 32% awarded a mid-point satisfaction with their meeting with Social Welfare.

- Half of the respondents rated the quality of the information or support provided with a Job Facilitator at Social Welfare as unsatisfactory to poor.

Read the full report here.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Election Fever

Whether it is February 25th or March 11th , the Irish people will soon be given the opportunity to remove the current inept Government from power.

Opposition parties and independent candidates will surely seize this opportunity with great vigor and seek to inspire the Irish public, convincing them that they are different, better and worthy of our trust.

Maybe not...

If this is the type of debate we can expect over the coming weeks, let's hope the election is scheduled for earlier sooner than later.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Have Your Say on the Climate

On 23 December 2010, the long overdue Irish Climate Change Bill was published.

A public consultation will now take place until 28 January 2011 and I would implore everyone to read the Bill (it's only 15 odd pages) and tell the Irish Government what you think at

Some positives are that Ministers will have responsibility for taking action on climate change in their respective areas, an Expert Advisory Body will be set up and progressive emission reduction targets have been proposed. However, from a first glance there also seems to be a few issues such as the fact that overall responsibility for climate change does not lie with the Taoiseach and the Expert Advisory Body's annual reporting function can be severely curtailed by Government.

Good or bad, let the Irish Government know what you think of the Bill at