Friday, December 11, 2009

Labelling of Illegal West Bank Settlement Food

Israeli settlements in the West Bank are an obstacle to peace in the Middle East. They are illegal under international law and many world leaders have previously spoken out against them. However, Israel continues to ignore such condemnation and this has uncovered the genuine lack of conviction behind the hollow words of such world leaders.

But today, a small yet important step has been taken. The Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in Britain has announced a voluntary labelling scheme that will provide key distinctions on foods stocked in UK supermarkets. Products could now have labels attached that specify 'Palestinian produce' or 'Israeli settlement produce'. This gives consumers the opportunity to know the true origin of the products they purchase, contribute to the economic viability of Palestinian farmers and express solidarity with the Palestinian people.

It has been stressed that the move is not tantamount to a boycott but it remains to be seen whether such a result could occur regardless of intention.

The Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in Britain should be commended for the action it has taken on this matter. Now multiple copycat actions around the world are needed.

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